You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

37 lines
825 B

import { h } from "preact";
import { Dispatch } from "../../utils.ts";
import { Action } from "./state.ts";
import { assert } from "../../../common/deps/yaypi.ts";
import { Loader, useAsync } from "../../useAsync.ts";
import { Client } from "../../client.ts";
export const Schemas = (p: unknown) => {
return h("div", {}, "schemas loaded");
export const Home = (p: { dispatch: Dispatch<Action>; client: Client }) => {
const button = h(
onClick: () => p.dispatch({ kind: "editNewSchema" }),
"New schema",
const schemas = h(Loader, {
fn: async () => assert(await p.client.v1.listSchemas(null)),
args: [],
renderLoaded: Schemas,
const b = h(
onClick: () => p.dispatch({ kind: "hello" }),
"Say hello",
return h("div", {}, schemas, button, b);